Why do they call this sweet little face "sidewalk baby"? Well...she was birthed right there on the Saint Francis Hospital sidewalk in Tulsa, OK. So naturally we had to return to the place where she entered the world to do her one year old photoshoot. Let me tell you a little more details surrounding this memorable birth story. Many direct quotes from the mom will be laced within this story, because who better to tell you the front seat version....literally!! haha
It all started at midnight. This being her second child, she did what we all repeat mothers do...labor at home as long as possible. She woke her husband up to tell him that his duck hunting trip was off. I guess nine months prior was the only shooting he was going to be doing ;) Around 5 AM she knew it was time to head out the door. "I started yelling at him to do something...as if driving to the hospital was not enough!" They arrived at the hospital and he asked her if she was going to walk in or need a wheelchair....uh I will let you imagine her reaction to that question. She stood from the car and Momma knew she was coming out right there and then. "I remember not even processing the moment, and down went my pants to my ankles." Her husband tried to tell her to get back in the car and have the baby there. Not sure how that situation would affect resale value! He quickly grabbed a towel from the car and caught sweet little sidewalk baby." Time stood still for a few seconds until she began to cry, her husband took this as a cue to take her inside, but she WAS STILL ATTACHED!" They shuffled inside and nurses greeted them at the elevator.
I will never forget how hard I laughed when I first heard this story, and it was so fun to be a part of the second sidewalk event for this little cutie.